TEMPUS CERES and DESIRE inter-project interaction: transfer of experience in working with talented youth in information technology from ZNTU to school teachers and ZRIPPE
By direction of the Department of Informatics and Information Technologies in Education of Zaporizhzhya Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (ZRIPPE) on 26 September 2016 at the Department of software tools of Zaporizhzhya National Technical University (ZNTU) the meeting-excursion was held for teachers of schools of the Zaporizhzhya city and region.
The Meeting was organized by ZRIPPE Assistant Professor, Ph.D., S.A. Ivanov and employees of the Department of software tools of ZNTU â representatives of the projects co-funded by the Tempus programee of the European Union “Centers of excellence for young researchers” (CERES, Ref. Number 544137-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SK-TEMPUS-JPHE) Head of Department, D.Sc., Professor S.A. Subbotin and “Development of embedded systems using innovative approaches for virtual integration of science, education and industry in Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia» (DESIRE, Ref. Number 544091-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BE-TEMPUS-JPCR) Professor of Department, Ph.D, G. V. Tabunshchyk.
The meeting was attended by ten school teachers, one representative of ZRIPPE four employees and three students of ZNTU. During excursion school teachers acquainted with the material and technical basis of the department of software tools and performed on its base of international projects Tempus European Union established contacts with employees of the department, discussed the work with talented youth, integration of secondary and higher schools of further cooperation ZNTU and ZRIPPE.
Teachers special attention was drawn to the possible introduction in the educational process and the extracurricular work of schools of the robotics technology, programming of mobile devices and embedded systems.
Teachers was acquainted with modern facilities of Laboratory of Embedded Systems and Remote Engineering of the department of software tools obtained on the Tempus programme, including robots, 3D-printer, robotic stand with remote control, computer equipment, multimedia devices. Also, teachers could communicate with Master degree students studied at the department of software tools and perform research at the Laboratory of embedded systems and remote engineering of department of software tools. It makes possible to obtain feedback from the target audience of training of department and transfer the experience on work with talented youth to teachers of schools.
The schools and ZRIPPE representatives participated in the meeting expressed the interest in cooperating with the Department of software tools of ZNTU and outlines the main directions of further cooperation.